December 10, 2019

Alumni Update: Interview with Rachel Royer

Posted in Alumni, Interview.

Remote Senior Designer for Weaving Influence, Inc. Graduated from BGSU in 2006 with a BFA in Graphic

What advice would you give for students currently in the program?

Don’t be afraid to push the boundaries and get as creative as you can! Once you’re employed as a designer, whether it’s in an agency or an in-house setting, you will have plenty of clients/coworkers art directing and trying to control your work. Take advantage of the freedom to be in control of your projects!

Why did you choose BGSU to study design?

I was financially on my own when it came college and I didn’t want the six-figure debt that came with art institutes. I researched universities with great art programs and BGSU was the best in the state. 

What motivates you the most to pursue design?

The ability to bring ideas to life. Whether I’m working with a client on a logo, book, website, or even a gift idea, their ideas are just words on paper. To hear their needs and bring them to life in whatever medium is amazing and fulfilling. 

What are some clients you are most proud to have worked with?

I was a designer for a kids’ craft product company and lead the license programs we had with Warner Brothers and National Geographic. I traveled to both organizations and had brainstorming sessions with different department directors. Brainstorming and dreaming big is my favorite part of the creative process. These two companies are some that I’ve interacted with since I was a young child, so there was a lot of ideas and creative energy flowing! 

Since you are very talented with typography, what is your favorite font?

My top favorite is Trade Gothic. It’s my go-to sans serif because it’s bold, timeless, and versatile. It’s like the black leggings of typography, it goes with everything!

Who has motivated you the most in your career?

I can’t point to one person, but the first team of coworkers and managers I had at Borders Group, Inc were very instrumental to my career. They each had their own unique process and approach that I was able to learn from and use to come up with my creative process that I still use today. 

What are your favorite materials to use when creating your designs?

Good ol’ pencil, pen, and paper. There’s so much flashy tech and apps out there, but nothing beats the feeling of drawing on paper. It’s the only tool where I feel 1000% in control.

Interviewed By: Julius Vichinsky